Week 9: What Makes The Greatest Family in the World


What makes a great family? Well in my family when we do stuff with each other like hiking or playing a game together is when I feel like a great family.  When my family looks after each other when someone is sad or sick also is a great family. When we celebrate each other’s accomplishments in school or sports and we cook or walk the dogs together and have a good time is special family time.

In my family, if we argue with one another we apologize soon after. Once my mom and I were yelling at each other and after I felt bad and apologized to her. And if we are having a bad time or something bad is happening to one of us, we tell each other. Like when I was sad about failing in school, I told my parents I was afraid of failing them and we put some standards of when I have to do my homework and when I have to finish it.

Family also means we do what our parents tell us the first time and do not get mad at what we have to do. When someone listens to our ideas and does not just throw them away because we are children makes a great family because everyones opinion matters.  An example is when my dad and I were assembling a chair, he put the arm on backwards and I read the directions and showed him how it should be done. A great family also helps out like when one of us takes the initiative and makes ourselves some food when our parents are too busy to make us something to eat.

A great family also includes pets.  I have two dogs, Shiloh and Kingsley, and sometimes they don’t get along but they bring us closer when we are all sitting together and petting them.  

A great website for pets is www.humanesociety.org and a great website for family activities is www.parenting.com.


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